Al Held, See Through III, 2001, acrylic on canvas, 84 x 84 inches
Where can I see work by Al Held?
Paintings and other works by Al Held currently on view in museums and galleries in the United States and abroad are listed on our exhibitions page. Additional works can be seen at White Cube, which represents the Al Held Foundation.
How can I view a complete list of exhibitions?
Pease contact us for a complete list. The exhibitions on this site are a selected list.
Is it possible to visit the Foundation?
The Al Held Foundation is not open to the public for individual visits. More information about our educational group programs can be found here.
I am conducting scholarly research on Al Held. How can I utilize the archive?
Researchers interested in accessing the Al Held Foundation archives and collections for scholarly research may contact us.
Is there a catalogue raisonné?
Currently the Al Held Foundation is laying the groundwork for a catalogue raisonné. When the formal catalogue project is initiated, the Foundation will publicize its activities and invite owners of works by Al Held to notify the Foundation.
How do I obtain permission to reproduce an image of an artwork by Al Held?
For rights and reproduction inquiries regarding works by Al Held, please contact Artists Rights Society, New York.
Does the Al Held Foundation authenticate works of art?
The Al Held Foundation does not ascertain, determine, or certify the authenticity of any works of art, nor does it provide any services or materials relating to authentication of a work of art. For information about art authentication, please contact the International Foundation for Art Research.
How can I value or sell a work by Al Held that I own?
Inquiries on valuation should be directed to White Cube. For appraisals, please contact the Appraisers Association of America.
Does the Al Held Foundation offer grants?
The Al Held Foundation makes discretionary grants to non-profit arts organizations, but not to individuals. The Foundation does not consider unsolicited grant requests.